Ticker Public Beta Chrome Extension Review

An In-Depth Analysis of the Ticker Public Beta Extension for Chrome

Key Aspects

  • functionality
  • user interface
  • privacy policy
  • support
  • compatibility
  • data handling
  • efficiency


Chrome ExtensionTickerIATANon-IATATicket Issuance

Ticker Public Beta - Product Review


Ticker Public Beta is a Chrome extension designed to facilitate interaction between IATA agencies (Consolidator) and non-IATA points of sale (Subagents). This extension enables non-IATA agents to remotely issue tickets, simplifying the process and expanding the capabilities of agencies.

Key benefits of Ticker include remote ticket issuance for agents without IATA accreditation, an intuitive interface requiring no special training, full control for the Consolidator over the ticket issuance process, and increased efficiency for ticket sales agents.

User Experience

The extension boasts an intuitive interface that requires no special training, making it accessible to a wide range of users. This focus on user-friendliness ensures that agents can quickly adapt to using Ticker, thereby enhancing their operational efficiency.

Ticker helps improve interaction between agents and Consolidators, providing a faster and more convenient ticket issuance process, which is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction in the travel industry.

Ticker Public Beta - Features

Core Features

Ticker Public Beta offers several core features that are designed to streamline the ticket issuance process. These include remote ticket issuance, full control for the Consolidator, and an intuitive interface that requires no special training.

The extension also enhances the capabilities of ticket sales agents by providing them with tools that were previously only available to IATA-accredited agencies.

User Control

One of the standout features of Ticker is the level of control it grants to the Consolidator. This ensures that the ticket issuance process remains secure and compliant with industry standards.

The ability to handle the entire ticket issuance process on behalf of the Consolidator and then return the ticket to the agent for further use or distribution to clients is a significant advantage.

Ticker Public Beta - Specifications

Technical Details

Ticker Public Beta has a current version of 1.42.6, which was last updated on September 4, 2024. The extension is offered by TICKER and has a size of 1.92MiB.

It is important to note that the developer has not identified itself as a trader, which may impact consumer rights in the European Union.

Privacy Information

Ticker Public Beta handles personally identifiable information, authentication information, user activity, and website content. The developer has disclosed that this data is not being sold to third parties and is used strictly for the item's core functionality.

More detailed information can be found in the developer's privacy policy, which is available through the provided link.

Ticker Public Beta - Comparison with Competitors

Market Position

While Ticker Public Beta offers unique features such as remote ticket issuance for non-IATA agents, it operates in a competitive market with other extensions and tools designed to enhance travel agency operations.

Compared to competitors, Ticker stands out for its intuitive interface and the level of control it provides to Consolidators, which are key differentiators.

Feature Comparison

In terms of features, Ticker Public Beta's ability to handle the entire ticket issuance process on behalf of the Consolidator and return the ticket to the agent for further use is a significant advantage over some competitors.

However, potential users should compare these features with those offered by other market players to ensure they are getting the best solution for their specific needs.

Ticker Public Beta - Availability

Download and Installation

Ticker Public Beta is available for download from the Chrome Web Store, making it easily accessible to users of the Google Chrome browser.

The extension can be installed directly from the Chrome Web Store, following the standard installation process for Chrome extensions.

System Requirements

As a Chrome extension, Ticker Public Beta requires users to have the Google Chrome browser installed on their devices. There are no additional system requirements mentioned, which suggests it should be compatible with most modern systems.

Ticker Public Beta - Customer Service Details

Support Channels

For support and inquiries, users can contact the developer via email at [email protected]. This email address serves as the primary support channel for Ticker Public Beta.

While the developer has not identified itself as a trader, it is committed to providing support to users through this email channel.

Response Time

There is no specific information provided regarding the response time for support inquiries. Users should expect standard email response times, which can vary depending on the volume of inquiries.