Review of Virtual Team Building Solutions

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gaming for Team Building and Employee Engagement

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virtual team buildingemployee retentiongaming analyticsremote workteam dynamics Product Review

Overview of offers a unique approach to virtual team building through gaming. The platform aims to enhance team spirit, improve talent retention, and facilitate better understanding among team members and candidates through insightful analytics and engaging gameplay.

The service is designed to keep teams connected and energized, regardless of their physical location, by embedding company values into the play experience.

Key Features

One of the standout features of is its detailed analytics that measure player and team activity during games. This data is condensed into a one-pager of valuable insights, allowing for the charting of team and employee growth over multiple sessions.

Additionally, the platform offers fully customizable games that can be tailored to each organization and team, broadcasting the company's brand, core values, and mission statement. Features

Game Masters Facilitation employs game masters who customize and host the games, support players, and promote teamwork. These game masters act as the social glue during sessions, ensuring a cohesive and engaging experience for all participants.

Marketplace and Customization

The marketplace feature offers an à la carte selection of serious games, each tailored to the specific needs of the organization and team. Extensive in-game customization options allow for the broadcast of the company's brand, core values, and mission statement, particularly beneficial for onboarding new employees. Comparison with Competitors

Unique Gaming Approach

While many team building solutions exist, distinguishes itself by integrating company values into the gaming experience. This unique approach not only fosters team spirit but also aids in understanding team dynamics and candidate suitability through gaming.

Specialized for Remote Teams is particularly adept at addressing challenges faced by remote teams, offering specialized team building games that drive positive change in employee engagement and connectivity. Best in Category

Innovative Analytics leads in its category by providing innovative analytics that go beyond simple engagement metrics. The detailed insights into team dynamics and player behavior set it apart, offering a deeper understanding of team performance and potential areas for improvement.

Customization and Brand Integration

The level of customization and brand integration offered by is unmatched. This feature ensures that the team building experience is not only fun and engaging but also aligned with the company's culture and values.