Formo Review: Web3 Analytics and Product Tools

An In-Depth Look at Formo's Features and Capabilities for Web3 Projects

Key Aspects

  • web3 analytics
  • token-gated forms
  • wallet intelligence
  • no-code setup
  • integrations
  • pricing
  • user testimonials


web3analyticsformsproduct analyticscrypto

Formo Product Review


Formo is a web3 analytics platform designed to empower product and marketing teams with actionable insights. The platform aims to reduce the time spent on building analytics, allowing teams to focus more on product development. Formo is particularly tailored for crypto apps, leveraging onchain data to enhance growth strategies.

Key Features

Formo offers several key features including Token Gated Forms, Wallet Intelligence, and Web3 Analytics. These features are designed to capture onchain and offchain data, understand user behavior, and measure user activity over time, respectively. The platform supports multiple chains and boasts a no-code setup, making it accessible for teams of all technical levels.

Formo Pricing Information

Plans and Pricing

Formo offers three main pricing plans: Starter, Pro, and Growth. The Starter plan is free and includes essential features for individuals and explorers. The Pro plan costs $40 per month and is suitable for pioneering teams with ambitious goals. The Growth plan, priced at $80 per month, is designed for startups aiming to turbocharge their growth. Each plan includes different limits on active forms, monthly responses, and other features, with the Growth plan offering the most comprehensive set of functionalities.

Value Proposition

The pricing structure of Formo is competitive, especially considering the advanced analytics and growth tools it provides. The free Starter plan allows users to explore the platform's capabilities without financial commitment, while the paid plans offer increasingly robust features tailored to the needs of growing teams.

Formo Features

Token Gated Forms

One of Formo's standout features is its Token Gated Forms, which allow for the creation of web3 waitlists, allowlists, signup forms, and surveys. These forms can capture wallet data, token balances, and other onchain signals, providing a comprehensive view of user engagement.

Wallet Intelligence

Formo's Wallet Intelligence feature offers privacy-preserving user behavior analysis, turning anonymous wallets into high-value users by unifying onchain and offchain data. This feature includes wallet profiles, reputation scores, and insights into wallet holdings and activity.

Web3 Analytics

The Web3 Analytics feature helps teams define and track adoption metrics for their onchain apps, connecting off-chain marketing efforts to on-chain actions. This feature is crucial for identifying user journey insights, such as where users come from, drop-off points, and retention drivers.

Formo Comparison with Competitors

Competitive Edge

Compared to other analytics platforms, Formo stands out for its specialized focus on web3 and crypto applications. Its ability to integrate onchain data with traditional analytics provides a unique advantage for teams operating in the blockchain space.

Market Position

While there are several analytics tools available, Formo's tailored approach to web3 analytics sets it apart. The platform's no-code setup and comprehensive feature set make it a strong contender for teams looking to leverage blockchain data for growth.

Formo Best in Category


Formo excels in the category of web3 analytics due to its deep integration with blockchain technologies. The platform's features are specifically designed to handle the complexities of onchain data, making it a top choice for crypto teams.

User Experience

The user experience on Formo is streamlined and intuitive, with a focus on reducing the time spent on analytics setup. This allows teams to quickly start leveraging the platform's insights for product development and marketing strategies.

Formo Customer Service Details

Support Channels

Formo offers customer support through various channels including a Help Center, Request Features portal, and social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. The platform also provides the option to schedule a demo to better understand its capabilities.

User Feedback

User feedback on Formo's customer service has been largely positive, with many praising the platform's ease of use and the responsiveness of its support team. The availability of multiple support channels ensures that users can get assistance in a manner most convenient to them.