Clearspace Review: Managing Digital Distractions and Phone Addiction

An In-Depth Look at Clearspace's Tools for Reducing Screen Time and Enhancing Focus

Key Aspects

  • phone addiction
  • digital distractions
  • screen time management
  • app usage limits
  • user interface
  • centering exercises
  • data insights


phone addictiondigital wellbeingapp review

Clearspace Product Review


Clearspace is designed to help users combat phone addiction and reduce digital distractions by aligning their intentions with their phone usage. The app provides an interface that allows users to set limits on their time spent on specific apps, thereby promoting healthier digital habits.

With features like centering exercises before entering an app, session length controls, and data insights, Clearspace aims to create a more mindful and intentional approach to smartphone use.

User Experience

Users have reported positive experiences with Clearspace, noting that it effectively helps in reducing mindless scrolling and impulse app openings. The app's interface is straightforward, making it easy for users to set and manage their usage limits.

The centering exercises and session length controls are particularly praised for their ability to keep users present and aware of their digital consumption.

Clearspace Features

Centering Exercises

One of the standout features of Clearspace is its centering exercises. These exercises prompt users to take a moment of mindfulness before entering an app, helping to reduce impulsive usage and promote a more intentional approach to digital engagement.

Session Length Controls

Clearspace allows users to set specific session lengths for their apps. Once the session time is up, the app will automatically pull the user out, preventing them from getting lost in the scroll and ensuring they adhere to their intended usage limits.

Data Insights

For those interested in tracking their progress, Clearspace offers advanced analysis of app usage patterns. This feature provides users with valuable insights into their digital habits, helping them to make informed decisions about their smartphone use.

Clearspace Comparison with Competitors

Unique Features

Compared to other digital wellness apps, Clearspace stands out with its unique combination of centering exercises and session length controls. These features are designed to address both the psychological and practical aspects of phone addiction.

User Interface

Clearspace's user interface is praised for its simplicity and effectiveness. Unlike some competitors that can be overwhelming with too many options, Clearspace keeps its interface clean and focused on the core features that matter most to users.

Clearspace Best in Category


Clearspace is considered one of the best in its category due to its effectiveness in helping users reduce screen time and combat digital distractions. The app's combination of mindfulness exercises and usage controls has proven to be highly effective for many users.

User Feedback

Positive user feedback further solidifies Clearspace's position as a top app in the digital wellness category. Users appreciate the app's ability to create a more intentional and mindful approach to smartphone use.

Clearspace Availability


Clearspace is currently available on the Google Play Store, making it accessible to Android users. The app is designed to be compatible with a wide range of Android devices, ensuring that as many users as possible can benefit from its features.

Download and Installation

Downloading and installing Clearspace is straightforward. Users can find the app on the Google Play Store and follow the standard installation process. Once installed, the app guides users through setting up their preferences and usage limits.

Clearspace Usage Instructions

Setting Up

To get started with Clearspace, users first need to download the app from the Google Play Store. After installation, the app will guide users through setting up their preferences, including which apps they want to limit and how long they want their sessions to be.

Daily Use

Once set up, Clearspace will automatically prompt users with centering exercises before they enter selected apps. Users can also monitor their session lengths and receive notifications when their time is up. The app's data insights feature allows users to track their progress over time.