Comprehensive Review of Amplitude's Analytics Platform

An In-Depth Analysis of Amplitude's Features and Capabilities

Key Aspects

  • product analytics
  • web analytics
  • session replay
  • warehouse-native analytics
  • feature experimentation


analyticsdata insightscustomer journeyproduct analyticsweb analytics

Amplitude Made Easy Product Review


Amplitude Made Easy is a comprehensive digital analytics platform designed to provide fast and easy access to customer insights at every step of their journey. The platform aims to simplify the often complex and frustrating world of analytics, making it accessible to users without requiring extensive technical knowledge or engineering support.

Key Features

Amplitude Made Easy offers a range of features including Product Analytics, Web Analytics, Session Replay, and Warehouse-native Amplitude. These features are designed to help users understand the full user journey, gather necessary metrics with minimal setup, visualize sessions based on events, and unlock insights from their data warehouse.

Additionally, the platform includes tools for experimentation such as Feature Experimentation, Web Experimentation, and Feature Management, which allow users to innovate with personalized product experiences and drive conversion through A/B testing.

Amplitude Made Easy Pricing Information

Pricing Plans

Amplitude Made Easy offers several pricing plans to cater to different needs and scales of businesses. The Starter plan is free and allows tracking up to 50,000 users a month. The Plus plan includes analytics, feature flags, CDP, and Session Replay for small teams looking to grow. The Growth plan accelerates growth with automated insights, experiments, and audiences, while the Enterprise plan offers advanced customization, automation, and controls for scaling businesses.

For detailed pricing, users are encouraged to contact sales for a tailored quote based on their specific requirements.

Amplitude Made Easy Comparison with Competitors

Competitive Edge

Amplitude Made Easy distinguishes itself by offering a fully integrated platform that includes analytics, experimentation, session replay, and customer data platform functionalities. This integration eliminates the need for bolt-ons and provides a seamless experience for users.

Compared to competitors, Amplitude Made Easy is designed to be more user-friendly, requiring minimal setup and no extensive engineering support. The platform also offers free templates and AI-driven insights to help users get started quickly and make data-driven decisions.

Market Position

In the competitive landscape of digital analytics, Amplitude Made Easy positions itself as a leader in simplifying analytics for businesses of all sizes. Its focus on self-service analytics and ease of use sets it apart from more complex and costly solutions.

Amplitude Made Easy Best in Category

Why Amplitude Made Easy Stands Out

Amplitude Made Easy excels in the digital analytics category by offering a user-friendly, integrated platform that caters to both technical and non-technical users. The platform's ability to provide valuable insights with minimal setup and its focus on self-service analytics make it a standout choice for businesses looking to streamline their analytics processes.

Additionally, the platform's commitment to providing expert-created templates and AI-driven insights further enhances its value proposition, making it a top choice for businesses aiming to grow with data-driven decisions.

Amplitude Made Easy Features

Core Features

Amplitude Made Easy offers a comprehensive suite of features including Product Analytics, Web Analytics, Session Replay, and Warehouse-native Amplitude. These features are designed to help users understand the full user journey, gather necessary metrics with minimal setup, visualize sessions based on events, and unlock insights from their data warehouse.

Additionally, the platform includes tools for experimentation such as Feature Experimentation, Web Experimentation, and Feature Management, which allow users to innovate with personalized product experiences and drive conversion through A/B testing.

Advanced Features

Amplitude Made Easy also includes advanced features such as Customer Data Platform, Data Governance, Integrations, Security & Privacy, and AI. These features ensure that users can unite data across teams, trust the completeness of their data, connect Amplitude to hundreds of partners, keep their data secure and compliant, and leverage AI for self-service intelligence.

Amplitude Made Easy Usage Instructions

Getting Started

Getting started with Amplitude Made Easy is designed to be straightforward. Users can begin gathering insights about their customers with just one line of code. The platform eliminates the need for tracking plans, engineering, or long hours of planning, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

For more detailed instructions and support, users can refer to the Help Center, Developer Hub, and Academy & Training resources provided by Amplitude.

Using Templates

Amplitude Made Easy offers expert-created templates for various roles and use cases. These templates are designed to help users apply best practices from industry experts to their analyses. Users can browse and select templates from the Amplitude template library to uplevel their analyses without starting from scratch.