accessiBe: Your Gateway to Enhanced Web Accessibility and ADA Compliance

Empowering Websites to Meet WCAG Standards with AI-Powered Solutions

Key Aspects

  • AI-Powered Tools
  • Developer Solutions
  • Automated Audits
  • Website Compliance
  • Inclusive Web Design



accessiBe Product Review


accessiBe offers a comprehensive web accessibility solution designed to ensure ADA Compliance and adherence to WCAG standards. The platform has raised $58 million in funding, indicating strong investor confidence in its capabilities and potential market impact.


Key features of accessiBe include AI-powered web accessibility, accessibility for developers through accessFlow, and services like file and media accessibility. The platform emphasizes efficient installation, compliance certifications, and security measures to protect user data.

accessiBe Pricing Information

Pricing Plans

accessiBe provides affordable plans starting at $49 per month, accompanied by a free 7-day trial. This pricing model is designed to be accessible for businesses of all sizes, encouraging them to prioritize web accessibility without significant financial burden.

Value Proposition

The pricing structure reflects accessiBe's commitment to making web accessibility solutions widely available. By offering competitive rates and a trial period, accessiBe aims to demonstrate the value of its services before clients commit to a subscription.

accessiBe Comparison with Competitors

Market Position

accessiBe positions itself as a market leader in web accessibility solutions, with a strong emphasis on AI technology and efficient workflow. The platform differentiates itself through its comprehensive approach, which includes not only accessibility widgets but also developer tools and compliance services.

Competitive Edge

Compared to competitors, accessiBe stands out for its patented AI technology, high success rate, and the breadth of its services. The platform's ability to offer a streamlined solution that addresses multiple aspects of web accessibility gives it a significant edge in the market.

accessiBe Best in Category

Category Leadership

accessiBe is recognized as a top player in the web accessibility solutions category, boasting a customer base of over 247,778 websites. Its leadership is underscored by the trust of industry leaders and a strong track record of successful implementations.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer reviews highlight accessiBe's effectiveness in making websites accessible, with many praising its ease of use and the positive impact on their business. The platform's commitment to customer service and continuous improvement further solidifies its position as a best-in-category solution.

accessiBe Features

Core Features

Core features of accessiBe include accessWidget for AI-powered web accessibility, accessFlow for developers, and a range of services tailored to ensure compliance and accessibility across various web platforms and content types.


Innovation is at the heart of accessiBe, with the platform leveraging AI and machine learning to revolutionize how websites are made accessible. This technological approach allows for scalable, business-friendly solutions that can adapt to the evolving needs of the digital landscape.

accessiBe Specifications

Technical Details

accessiBe's solutions are designed for efficient integration, with a 2-minute installation process suitable for any website platform. The platform adheres to strict security and privacy standards, ensuring that user data is protected in accordance with SOC2 compliant measures.

Compliance Certifications

Compliance with ADA and WCAG standards is a cornerstone of accessiBe's offering. The platform provides accessibility statements and certifications, giving clients peace of mind that their websites meet the necessary legal and ethical requirements for web accessibility.